Versace Eros Eau de Parfum - Jasmine Parfums- [ean]

Versace Eros Eau de Parfum

$82.00 Sale Save


Varianti 100ml


Versace Eros Eau de Parfum is the perfume designed specifically for the man who wants to enhance his virility and masculinity. For the man who amazes with his personality and his charisma. For the man who exudes confidence and strength, which all women want. For the sensual man who radiates the mind and heart of his partners.

A blend of pure natural origin and proudly vegan, the charm of the myth of the good savage at the service of modern man.

Main notes
Italian lemon and mandarin, mint oil, candied apple

Heart notes
Geranium flower, clary sage essence, ambermax

Dry base notes
Cedarwood from Atlas and Virginia, essence of Vetiver Orpur, essence of Couer de Patchouli Orpur, sandalwood, vanilla

An intense journey into the kingdom of Eros, the god of love. They open the lemon and tangerine, which starting from Italy penetrates the hearts of women, and then irradiates them from the inside with mint oil and candied apple.
We continue with the geranium flower, to conquer her with an ethereal gesture of gallantry, and make her fall in love with the sclaerea sage essence and ambermax.
It ends with a romantic walk in the woods with cedar and sandalwood, while smelling the lovely scent of vanilla, to reach the essence of Vetiver Orpur and Couer de Patchouli Orpur.

Versace Eros Eau de Parfum is kept inside a geometric and blue bottle, decorated with Greek-style reliefs and with the head of Medusa in the middle, a reminder of the possibility of petrifying the intensity and pleasantness of the perfume emanating by using it.

You can choose whether to spray it directly on your body to get the most out and take full advantage of the seductive potential.
Or, you could opt to spray it in the air and pass through the new aromatic, in such a way as to obtain an equally satisfying result, suitable for a more subtle and refined seduction.

La spedizione è gratuita per ordini da €99 in su.

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Viale Roma, 4, 82019 Sant'Agata De'Goti (BN) 📍


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